8 Reales coin from 1690VR Spain

Cdb: G200043

8 Reales


Pillars ( Potosí type )

Large Obverse for 8 Reales 1690 coin

Large Reverse for 8 Reales 1690 coin

Coin Description

Obverse : Pillars, 8 above center, "PLV·SVL·TRA" at center, date below, amid waves, Mint Mark P at up left and down right corner, and assayer VR (monogram) at up right and left down corner; "POTOSI ANO (date) EL PERV".

Reverse : Quartely of Lions and Castles, 8 above, P at left, VR (monogram) at right and date below; "CAROLUS·II·D·G·HISPAN·".

Diameter ( mm ) Weight ( gr ) Thickness ( mm )
40,00 27,07 0,00
Edge Metal Mint
Smooth Silver Potosí
Mint Details
Mint Mark Assayer Mark Assayer Name
Ceca P VR Pedro de Villar
Circulation Mint sets Proof
0 0 0
Catalogue references
Cayón Calicó Fuster/Guerra
7645 376 ******

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